Voyager in / Voyager out – My Home –
Voyager in / Voyager out – My Home –
I am going back to my home.
I go back with a handful of noise and spree, without knowing what I must do next, thinking whether I really need to continue to live in my house.
I believe that the wandering mind is essential to creativity… I also believe that the body may have to go back to its homeland, but the mind must continue its voyage. (「Le difficult rapport avec l’Africa」Maryse Conde)
The Trisikad, shown in the photos of Abe is a movable bar that opens at 5:30 or 6:00 in the evening. It is a portable night market. A table, chairs, and food are all moving. This cart, containing the necessity, is the thought itself continues to wander about. It is the thought itself which comes back and goes out of the house every day.
We actually visited Davao in February 2105 and watched them going back and forth.
Miyuki depicts the memory of the Philippines which lingered on in her mind for a long time even after the trip. And it shows constant change. She is in a forest-like place where animals are moving about, and she shows us the beautiful scenery of the forest.
I cannot stop thinking about how I may continue to live in my home and how I continue to go on.
(Curated: Sayako Mizuta)

アーティスト:秋山幸 /アブラハム・アンボ・ガルシア・ジュニア
Miyuki Akiyama / Abraham Ambo Garcia Jr.
企画:水田紗弥子(Little Barrel)
Curated by Sayako Mizuta (Little Barrel)
10月23日(日)- 10月30日(日)
13:00 – 19:00 (23 日のみ 16:00-19:00)
休廊日: 10月24日(月)
23th, October (Sun)- 30th, October (Sun)
Open: 13:00-19:00(16:00~19:00 on 23th)
Closed on 24th (Mon)