The Young Knee Cool Show
New York の Long island cityにあるアーティスト ラン スペース “Young Knee Cool” グループ展のファーストショーに参加しています。
Sep 15-Oct 20, 2019
Opening : Sep 15, 15:00-18:00( Snack Time)
OPEN SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS : 12-6PM & BY APPOINTMENT: youngknee.cool@gmail.com
Artists: Akira Ikezoe, Miyuki Akiyama, Satoru Eguchi, Takuya Ikezaki.
Young Knee Cool is pleased to announce its first exhibition, “The Young Knee Cool show”, a group exhibition of drawings, paintings, and sculptures by four New York-based artists.
Young Knee Cool is an artist-run space and studio located in Long Island City, Queens. It is dedicated to exhibition-making and generating open dialogues for artists through various approaches.